Friday, September 08, 2006


Just having a lil' bit of fun at work.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Some old stuff, a break from the digital stuff,these were done with watercolours.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

More experimenting

So, i discovered this cool programme 'Art Rage', it's great, and FREE too, the catch is it's not the full version,but it's still great.This one is a mix of Sketchbook,Art Rage and the original hand drawn sketch.Like ?

Saturday, September 02, 2006

first third post

Hi there,So this is my Third attempt at blogging,first was kind of a test/experiment ,second time..i forgot my user name and password (totally dumb..i know),hope this one goes it first post on the third blog..starting with somthing new.. 2 sketches done with sketchbook pro (which is great btw) they're still a work in progress..hopefully i'll get to finish them soon.