Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Yes, i am, i admit it, i have abandoned my blog! How shameful!
In my defence, these past few months have been some of you might know (my 4 favourite and only readers) i have relocated to the othe side of the world, yes, i'm in the US of A now, and it's been a helluva ride. Talk about emotional rollecoasters!
It was exactly two weeks from the minute i recieved the phone call telling me i got the visa till the minute i unpacked my bag in my new place in Hollywood! (yep, that's where i am)..two weeks, that's all it took to change my life completely, one phone call, one decision. It's amazing, isn't it? Ah, it was insane, really, and the insanity didn't stop there, i landed in LAX on the night of June the 21st and i headed to the tiny..ahem..hostel :) that i had booked a few nights in, i had to get some sleep because the first dy of school was in about 12 HOURS! Yes ladies and gentlemen i had flown across an ocean for about 15 hours to wake up the next day and go to school! Eh..well, i won't bore with the rest of the details about the hunt for apartments, the eally helpful people i met who i wouldn't have survived the first few weeks without, the amazing twists of events that led me to my current residence, how many times i got lost in this strange city that is LA.
When i look back to these first few weeks and it's almost surreal, these few weeks had events in them that would, in usual cases be carried out on the course of months.
But to be completely honest, it was worht it, just the massive change and the big shake up my life needed are worth it.
I'll keep it short this time but i promise i'll bring you up to speed to the many things i've seen so far.
Leave you with a little animated piece that was one of my 2d projects here, rushed but came out pretty decent for the limited time, hope you like it :)