Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Fed Up

... of these two, i just want to get them out of my face!
Ouf, what a day. If i commited suicide in the upcoming days it would be because of natural preservations!(warning..RANT AHEAD)
Weird, right ?! well it's the project i'm working on. Imagine somthing so beautiful, peacful, sereeeene, calm and DRIVING YOU CRAZY!
The story goes back to last December (has it been that long?!yikes) Our agency was approached to do a big project for Parks Egypt which is the sector that organizes all of the natural preservations in Egypt, brochures, logo redesigns, leaflets, maps, stickers etc. for a while it was good, made some beautiful work and everyone was like..waaaaaw (ya3ni 'wow') allaaaah, gameeela 7'ales and all that crap. Then things started to get ugly with the text editing of the leaflets and brochures,lemme just say that i HATE text editing, i hate typing i hate the whole process of fitting text in places imagine ba2a doing it over and over and OVER again! After you're done with the english text do the same process for the Arabic, the joy of being Bilingual! AAAAAA...frustration, meanwhile there's other work coming in from all sides do this do that a flyer a poster a whatever...YIKES, thats not what i thought advertising was like, thats advertising gone bad!I felt like an air host(ess) taking all the crap from people and smiling :)
Things i hear everyday 'can you just move the headline an itsy bit up...can you check the spacing looks on the left side text,it's a bit weird... there's a space missing here, theres an extra space here, ooops, you need to cpaitalize that word...on second thought,no, don't capitilize it...ooops, you'll have to do them all over again!...sorry...sorry...i'm sorreeee ( that last bit was when i imagined i was choking her)'
I love my job..i love my job ..i love my job (grinding teeth)
That's all.

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Hey y'all, since last posts' title was black and white, i thougt this post i should splash some colour. This was an old project, one of my first when i started work in advertising, it was for a short lived programme on Nile FM called The Money Maze.
The characters were supposed to be ghouls and ghosts but in a cute way ala ghostbusters. I had fun at the beginning creating the whole thing but then i got into the changes, amends and i just wanted the damned thing to get out of my face! (anger outburst sorry..heheee).
In other news, i'm trying to update my blogs look and adding links if you hadn't noticed. Some art related some friend related some just fun to read.
Glad you enjoyed Shakira ya Juka and Lou kaman :)
Operon...all i can say is rabena ma3aak. (if you wanna know why check out his blog enteries about his life as a doctor you'll find it under links 'the thoughts of someone different')
By the way, i'm posting from work and it's a NATIONAL HOLIDAY, so, i'm pissed!

A quick update for the very special Sou :)
miss your posts! Begad! you last one was cryptic, what's up ? Get back into your blogging shoes!