Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Work inspired piece, no further comments

Friday, January 26, 2007

That's how MAD i am!

Yes...i'm so mad and stressed out this just came out on paper.Scary..huh? (lol)
Well, that's what you get for working in advertising, i assure you i'm not alone, just ask anyone who works in that field.
What's worse is that i'm still on dial up! Those bastards at Link DSL , such a shitty company
(sorry for that outburst, i'm a nice guy really :))
Any way, about the mad guy or the 'sharab' (sock) as my collegue at work Mark called him
I had him coloured, didn't like the end result save for the eyes, that's why they're here, hope you like, pray for me guyz, i wanna get back online soon, i've been isolated from the world, Link DSL DAMN YOU!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Been a while

Happy new year everyone! Like they say.. better late than never. Missed blogging all this while thanx to my DSL provider Link (who suck by the way and you should quit them now if you use them).I'm using dial up again at home..DIAL UP, so depressing so i thought i'd post somthing that suits the mood. Hopefully more cheerful things will come when i sign up with Te Data soon, hope they're better than the **###s Link.