Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Hey people, some tired/depressed guyz for you.
Goodluck Juka with your finals :)

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Two kidz and a babe

Slow day at work (for a change,not complaining,bliss) I have no idea how these guys came together, my brain must be malfunctioning.What i'm sure is that she's a bad influence, then again she might be baby sitting..and she got hot..maybe :)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Before bed

Hey everyone, just a quick post before i head to bed, i'm ryhming now hehee, head to bed, okay, what ? no..who STOP okay ?!
I'm seriously tired, nighty night.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Quick stuff

Hey y'all, stressful days, we all have them, but mine just seem endless. Work was hell today i felt like i was sleep working, do this 'yawn' do that 'yawwwwn' and everything seemed lame, repeated and ever so BOORING! I'm good, i'm happy, maybe if i say it enough times ,it'll be for real.
Oh well, enough about work,i was doodling on photoshop a bit and these came out, thought to myself what the heck, i'm gonna post'em, it doesn't have to be perfect.
The girl image is an image that's always been there, in my head, i've done so many different versions of her, might post them one day.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Once upon a time..

A Thousand and One Arabian Nights. Very inspiring, if you haven't read it yet, i urge you to, You're missing an amazing experience and a huge part of our heritage ( or indian, persian heritage...who knows!)
These pieces are part of my graduation project which was centred around this wonderful book, i used to read parts of it before i went to bed and then wake up in the middle of the night and start sketching a dream i had.
This post is mostly due to a lack of new material :) but i really did want to post some of my graduation project pieces for a while now.